
Time Management: User Personas 3

Here are my final two personas. I tried to make them more qualitative, but that was harder than I imagined. I also had a harder time pulling the information from people. I kept asking questions and essentially got the same answer back each time.

User Persona Guide Reviews

We were assigned two articles that help reinforce the idea of what a user person is and how it is made. The two articles can be found here(Justinmind and UX Planet). Both of these articles essentially said the same thing regarding what they are and how they are made. They also had a lot of…

Time Management: User Personas 2

I have tried to interview and make 4 more personas, however I have found it difficult to find people to talk to. The biggest thing that’s stopping me is just a fear of talking to others out of the blue. There’s also a part where I feel guilty taking away from someone’s time. Everywhere I…

Time Management: User Personas

We are putting the things we have learned so far in class and putting them into practice. To start we are making user personas to see what are the pain points of students in regards to their time management. Here are my first two personas.


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